I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call/Icebreaker
III. Approval of the Minutes
a. February 17th, 2020
IV. LIT Reports
V. Executive Reports
VI. Advisor Reports
VII. Old Business
VIII. Guest Speakers
IX. New Business
X. Committee Reports
a. Internal
b. External
i. Dining input
XI. WSG Report
XII. Jitters Report
XIII. RA Report
XIV. Final Thoughts
a. Snaps
b. U Rock U Rule
c. Golden artichoke
XV. Adjournment
Next Meeting: March 1st 2021
Theme: Best Zoom Background
Upcoming Dates:
Roommate Mixer (Wed Feb 24th 7:30pm)
Roommate selection starts Wed March 3
Wellers/Knilans Hall Highlight (Wed March 3)
Students check in (Wed March 3)
February OTMs due (Fri March 5)